Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 100 - Blood Servants And Clementina



[The Name: [Lance] has been granted to the [Blood Servant Lancer: Normal Grade]!]

Then, as Noah glanced at Lance strengthen itself, he felt as if he had lost a bit of his energy.

No, he lost a small piece of his soul…

Although this did not show in stats lowering or anything, he felt it.

"So the strength it gains comes directly from a piece of my soul… I should not name all the servants I raise then, as it might end up weakening me too much. Only those deserving of it, I suppose… Like this one… I bet you two will make a good pair, don\'t you?" said Noah, glancing at Verto\'s corpse with greed on his eyes.

Pointing his pale-white hand, he recited the magic words.

"Rise," said Noah, as a crimson light came out of his hand, showering the fresh corpse of Verto, as it began to encompass its entire body!


The blood quickly began to gather, generating a mass of crimson slime, which then formed into a humanoid figure!

Verto\'s Blood Servant started to form more details, as a large blade of crimson red blood emerged at its right arm.


[You have successfully raised a [Blood Servant Swordsman: Normal Grade]!]

"Let\'s name you… Blade," said Noah, his eyes glowing with crimson light as he felt a small piece of his soul fusing with Blade, bringing it new strength!

In a flash, it gained a new armor, and it gained a substantial amount of power!

Both Blade and Lance kneeled before Noah, waiting for any order.

They seemed to not be able to speak and were dead-serious as well as if their former lives were non-existent.

Noah smiled maliciously, this was an amazing power!

"It seems that my soul is regenerating on its own from these two small pieces used… Perhaps if I were to use Naming a couple more times I would finally feel a bit weak… Well, it would be better to wait until then, just raising them is good enough," thought Noah, as he glanced back at his subordinates, everyone seemed to have slaughtered with amazing swiftness the other members of Luciliano and Verto\'s party.

"W-Woah, what are those?" asked Arthur in surprise.

"Oh, I guess I didn\'t introduce you to my new power. Using the Blood Servant Skill I got from the Skill Tree, I can raise corpses into beings made of blood and their soul. They are not as strong as us, but they can grow stronger, and are virtually immortal as well, as they can regenerate as long as I have Mana, and I can call them back into my Blood Storage whenever they are weakened," said Noah.

"Amazing… So these are like… our underlings!" said Iris, glaring at Blade and Lance\'s expressionless crimson faces, which were now covered in red helmets.

She patted them and touched their armor, which was very hard and felt \'real\', as if it were truly iron, even if they were made of blood and phantom.

The rest of the group also inspected the Blood Servants around, finding them amazing in many ways.

"This is quite useful… how many can you make, Noah-sama?" asked Timassa, as she brought the corpses of the students they killed mercilessly.

"I can make up to 30 for now, so these four are also joining the party…" said Noah, as he said \'Rise\' and raised the four students into Blood Servants.

As Noah raised them, he noticed that they also had different classes, from Magician, Lancer, Swordsman, Bowman, and Rogue.

Two of these new Blood Servants were female-looking and Magicians, one was able to throw fireballs, while the other could shot spears of darkness.

And another one was a Rogue, using swiftness, stealth, and its dagger techniques.

And lastly, the other one was a bowman, carrying a bow made of crystallized blood, and it had the power to generate blood arrows infinitely as long as it had enough Mana.

Their appearances were slightly similar to how they looked before, but Noah paid no mind, as he quickly called them inside of his blood through Blood Storage.

"With this, we have six new members in a flash," said Jon.

"Indeed, that was incredible… I wonder if Noah will make an army next… We have to keep growing stronger, so we are not surpassed by mere Blood Servants, alright?" asked Iris to the group, as everyone nodded diligently, Noah felt content over their resolve, as he was not accepting any slackers within his Vampire Family.

"Good response… Because if not… You might end up joining them!" laughed Noah, intimidating everyone a bit… although he was joking, he was always so dead-serious that they thought he really meant it.

"I don\'t want to join them! I will work even harder, Noah-sama!" cried Arthur.

"Y-Yeah! Please, rest assured!" said Timassa.

"Indeed!" said Jon.

"Grawr!" said Adamantine, as she ate the dry corpses left after they became Blood Servants.

"Eh? Am I really becoming a Blood Servant…?" asked Iris with puppy eyes.

Noah sighed.

"Relax, it was a joke. Just keep working as hard as you have been doing this whole time," sighed Noah, waving his hand as he suddenly noticed a figure emerging from the corner of the cave.

It was the bloody body of someone he recognized.

She seemed to have come crawling from outside, as Noah recalled that two groups of students were battling outside.

Her entire body was covered in wounds, and she was bleeding an entire river, the scent of blood immediately alerted the rest of Noah\'s group, as everyone glanced at the girl crawl towards them, raising her hands.

It seems that she had more or less seen them fight, and was asking for their help…

This girl was no other than Clementina Icespear, a beautiful and tall girl with a slender figure, sharp clear blue eyes, and long azure hair, one of the stoic and silent beauties of the class.

However, now, she was on death\'s door…

Noah walked towards her as he glanced at her expressionlessly.

"Should I kill her and raise her as a Blood Servant? …No, she is from a rather prestigious family, but then again, why is she bleeding? Wasn\'t she rather strong?" wondered Noah, thinking about what to do.

Iris appeared right after him, glaring at the girl crawling towards them slowly.

"Do we kill her?" she asked, her eyes glowing eerily as bloodlust took ahold of Iris\'s senses!

"…No," said Noah, stopping Iris by patting her shoulders, as he walked towards Clementina.

"Ahh… Aaah…!" muttered Clementina, as she raised her hand towards Noah.

"Did you see us fight?" asked Noah.

"Yes… Ungh… Please… your strength… what is it?! Unngh… Help me… please… My party got wiped out… I don\'t… want to die… not yet…!" muttered Clementina, her eyes beginning to cry.

"(We could easily heal her through Arthur\'s Skill… But wouldn\'t it be more beneficial to convert her into a Dhampir?)" wondered Noah, as he glanced at Clementina.

"You want strength, Clementina? I can give you the strength you want. And I can even heal you back to full through it…" said Noah, glancing at the stoic beauty desperately tremble, resisting the pain.

"Join us…" said Arthur, emerging at the side of Clementina.

"Join us…" said Timassa, appearing at her side as well.

"Join us…" said Jon, as scary as ever.

"Join… us…" said Adamantine.

"Are you worthy of joining our creed?" wondered Iris, as all the Vampire\'s eyes glowed with crimson light an immense aura covered Clementina\'s entire body.

"What… kind of overwhelming power… Didn\'t you… used to be weak…? How…? Unnghh…!" cried Clementina.

"Answers can wait. Do you want to join us, or do you prefer to die hopelessly?" asked Noah.

Clementina clenched her teeth, as she realized that whatever Noah offered her was something that could change her entire destiny, her entire fate!

Such power could bring a new life to her…

Alongside the possibility of avenging her party!

And also… to avenge her mother.

"Do I… even have another option?" she sighed, as she accepted Noah\'s offer.

"The only option was death… You seem to be intelligent," said Noah with a malicious smile, as he grabbed Clementina within his arms.

"W-What… are you… doing?" muttered Clementina, about to fall unconscious due to her wounds.

"Giving you the power you desire…" said Noah, his eyes glowing eerily as his fangs grew out of his jaw, biting Clementina\'s neck as she released a pained moan.

"Aahh~ W-Wait… Ooh~! Hmm…!" she muttered.

The more blood she lost, the more strength began to be poured into her body…

She was… changing.


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