The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 45 - Ambrose's Awakening II

After me, Gen and Aroura had talked for a bit, I was informed that my parents wanted to talk to me about something that apparently everyone but me knew, even though I had left the house for barely a week if you ignore me going to the forest for 4 days and being stuck in my room for another 2 weeks.

I walked towards my parents who seemed ready to tell me something really important. My mother stiffened up for a second after seeing me before relaxing and breathing a sigh. My father seemed to be more worried about my mother rather than pay my presence any heed.

"uhm... Pandora, we have a few things to tell you." Said my mother with a wavering voice.

What? Are they scared of me or something? It looks like they found out that I might have killed people back in the forest huh... Oh well. I guess I\'ll just tell them th-

"I\'m pregnant..." exclaimed my mother without an explanation, not that it was needed.

Wha-... I feel like this is going to be "and you\'re the father" kind of speech that I used to see back on earth... Wait, I\'m not the father right? Wait, of course I\'m not! That would just be disgusting, plus, unless I somehow sleep walke- Wait... This doesn\'t make any biological sense too! How the f*ck would I be able to impregnate a women... As a female as well!

"I know you might be angry at us so w-"

"WHAT!?... I mean, okay? I don\'t understand why you\'re so---- Scared? And why would I be angry?" I said more flabbergasted than they were at my indifference.

"Wait... You don\'t care?" Asked my dad with a shaky voice

"Why would I?" I replied

"Well, we thought you might have thought we were abandoning you or something, you know? Like that Zach and Zarch did when you were born..." Answered my mother




"Well, if that\'s all, I\'m going to get going now. Hope you have a nice day?" I said while pointing towards Gen with my thumb, before smiling and walking off.

The last thing I heard was "Well, that went well"

For the next few hours, I watched as a numerous amount of girls that looked in the ages between 6 and 12 moving towards \'Mr Air affinity\' trying to use their family techniques into making him an heir and merging two families together. Apparently, in this world, girls my age are supposed to learn how to be a*sholes and greedy ones at that. The pure greed and envy within each of the girls eyes whenever another girl would introduce themselves to \'affinity boys\'.

Due to my amazing soul perception of 50 meters, I could tell what was happening and the exact emotions of the girls from afar. For some reason though, \'Affinity boy\' kept looking at me every time a girl would talk to him, as if he wanted to see my reaction yet there was non. This made his soul flame crackle and burst more after every single girl until he finally snapped.

Maybe after an hour of the girls pestering him, he had finally had enough? Hmm? Oh? He\'s walking towards us huh... Maybe he needs his sister to console him, I should probably inform her about thi-

"Why aren\'t you saying anything?" Asked \'Affinity boy\' when he had finally gotten 2 meters in front of, yet he didn\'t stop.

HEH?! Why is he coming towards me? Does he want me to console him? No way... no way, not in a million years! F*ck off!

"Hey Gen, Your brother wants to talk to yo-"



Is this early signs of puberty? Maybe puberty makes people on this planet angry? Or maybe it affects them at a young age? Oh yeah, he did tell me his name but for some odd reason I cannot remember it... Is this some kind of magic that makes my memory bad? I literally remember everything until his name was mentioned. That part is just a blur while everything else is crystal clear. Maybe I have some kind of curse?

"uhm... Pardon? Sorry? I don\'t know how to break it to you kid, but I really don\'t mind... It\'s not like we are dating, right?" I said with a flabbergasted tone

During my 5 seconds of thinking, almost everyone started looking at us while Aroura and Gen were more flabbergasted than I am at the balls this kid had. Not only was he shouting some nonsense, but he tried to imply that there was something between me and him.

"Kid? We are the same age! Is that why you don\'t pay any attention to me? Is this why you ignore me? Because you think you are older than me?"

I don\'t think kid, I know! Anyway, this will get really awkward if his parents don\'t come to either of our rescues, in the mean time though, I will try to minimize the damage dealt to either of our families.

"Okay, look her ki- uhm, just look here. I don\'t understand why you care so much if I give you attention or not, but you can\'t be yelling such misleading things out in the middle of a party. So please, refrain from shouting" I asked politely

"I care... I care because I-I... From when we were toddlers you were the only person I could talk to without being judged, you were always there for me... But now you say you don\'t even know my name? I know you were joking but... What is my name?" Ambrose stated in a whisper quite enough so only me, Aroura and Gen could actually hear anything he was saying.



What kind of delusion does this kid live in?! I don\'t think I have ever talked to him unless I really needed to, and that started a 3 days ago! Does this kid have some mental disorder or something!? Does this kid have a case of erotomania or something?! F*CK

"WHAT IS MY NAME!" He asked once again

Hmm... It begins with an A and sounds like Amber I believe. THINK! THINK! USE THAT HUGE BRAIN OF YOURS!

In my head, several minutes passed where I collected data from all the occasions where his name might have been written until I found it. I had used my soul flame manipulation technique to the smallest amount while generating light magic to go straight to my brain. My thoughts started to accelerate beyond the time around me. This meant while minutes would pass in my head, seconds would pass outside. The side effect is a major headache but it\'s worth the pain. I finally gained enough information, from the letters I had seen on the cake after it had been cut and the small conversations I could differentiate from both the crowd and my family, I had finally been able to connect the dots and bring out a name.

7 seconds had passed in the real world, making everyone tense up. Yet, before a single person could say anything, replied with "Your name is Ambrose, Correct? Did you really think I didn\'t know your name? I literally live in your house!" I said, acting like I felt betrayed which fooled the crowd, but not anyone who actually knew me.

Ambrose, the name of the kid in of me, started to tear up and dropped to his knees in---- happiness? I acted like I was trying to console him but actually, I was trying to fix my almost fried brain from shutting down.

F*CK YOU AMBROSE! I will never forget your name and one day, I will avenge my brain with your head! I will make sure my brain\'s suffering does not go to waste! I will travel across the lands to find you wherever you hide, and ill make sure your death will be painful!!!

I carried him to his parents with a pained look in my eyes before walking back to Gen and my sister who still looked flabbergasted. The people stopped looking at us and shifted their attention to Ambrose. They didn\'t hear the first part of what he said, but they could tell that if they don\'t act quickly, they would lose to me... ME!? A person who doesn\'t want a speck of his attention! FOR F*CKS SAKES!

"soooo, you did know his name! You fancy my brother or something?" Gen asked while chuckling like a high school girl, not that she wasn\'t far from being one.

"You know how, before a disaster hits, and time slows down while your life starts to flash before your eyes? That happened... Now if you will excuse me, I have a migraine that might put a dragon to sleep so I will be moving to my room now." I said before getting up and moving towards the hall entrance.

From behind me, I could hear Gen laughing even harder than before, almost falling from her chair multiple times before being able to recompose her self.

I finally got to my room which I flung open before walking to my bed. What I saw inside though, wasn\'t pleasing or relaxing at all. My whole body tensed up while the fatigue left my body as if it hadn\'t ever been there.

A man and women could be seen on my bed, doing their business, while the party was still ongoing downstairs. I looked at them more flabbergasted that they had the balls to do it on my bed than angry that they chose my room. Eventually, the two emotions swapped and I had the immense feeling of wanting to kill them both before sucking their soul flames dry.

"This is my room, you know? The room of a 5 year old child, and your doing that..." I said while pointing at their naked bodies which were once covered by sheets that were now on the floor after the shock.

"uhm... If you don\'t tell anyone, I\'m willing to let you join. A women\'s job is to please the ma- AHHHHHHH!"

Before he could even finish his sentence, his arm was sliced off, making him scream in agony. I had used my weapon, the light brigade, to cut his arm off while using fire magic on the light brigade to seal the wound as fast as it was created. I then used air magic to make sure his voice wouldn\'t be hear before finally pointing the Light Brigade, which was a long sword now, towards his neck.

The f*ck is wrong with humanity? I\'m 5! 5 for f*ck\'s sakes!

"If you want to truly please me, I wont say no. Of course, we will be using my method though." I told the man screaming like a little girl on the floor while smiling ear to ear.

"W-what do you want me to do!? Please spare me, I don\'t want to die, please!" Said the women on my bed. She was quite appealing to look at since she was extremely busty, but that was it.

"You are quite hot but you see, I am \'man\' who believes in consent. Tell me and don\'t you dare lie to me..." I exclaimed while releasing a dense aura of bloodlust within the room before continuing "Did he **** you?".

My voice was soothing and soft yet my words were like first. It was almost like she was burning up by the use of some simple words. She staggered and teared up a bit before being able to talk.

"P-please save me" She uttered while pointing a shaking finger toward the overweight man on the floor who had not stopped screaming.

"Do you want to watch?" I asked with warm smile.

"Y-yes, please... I want him to suffer... Please, I beg you!"

From the way her soul flame is behaving, I don\'t think she is lying. Hmm, I don\'t trust her completely but ill make sure she is the one to kill him in the end. I\'ll keep all the evidence and make sure to record her killing him in case she does rat me out.

"Well then, put some close on because this is going to be a ride you will never forget.." I replied with a calm voice yet a sinister smile stretching my face in unnatural ways.

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